
Position of EHA on Research Funding


The challenge
The cost of biomedical research is great, but the cost of disease is immense. An ageing population and expensive innovations in medicine put an increasing burden on already stressed healthcare budgets.

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EHA donates €250,000 to Médecins Sans Frontières

The EHA Board is actively implementing support actions to hematologists and hematology patients in Ukraine and to those who are forced to leave the country.

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EHA-SRH-SHTRM Balkan Hematology Tutorial 2023

EHA is joining forces with the Societatea Românã de Hematologie (SRH) and Scientific and Practical Society of Hematologists and Transfusiologists from the Republic of Moldova (SHTRM) to organize the EHA-SRH-SHRTM Balkan Hematology Tutorial.

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A new form of inherited thrombocytopenia (ETV6-related thrombocytopenia, ETV6-RT): NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!

A new form of inherited thrombocytopenia (ETV6-related thrombocytopenia, ETV6-RT): NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!

We recently discovered a new form of an inherited deficiency of platelets (inherited thrombocytopenia-IT), which is caused by mutations in the ETV6-gene.

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Press Release: News on Red Cells and Iron presented at the 18th Congress of the European Hematology Asscociation in Stockholm June 13-16, 2013

Recent evidence suggests that these congenital anaemias are caused by molecular abnormalities in the transport of iron and other molecules and a deeper understanding of these mechanisms may lead to a better knowledge of the normal development of the red…

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EHA-KCS Hematology Tutorial

EHA is joining the Kazakhstan Cancer Society (KCS) to organize the EHA-KCS Hematology Tutorial on Recent Advances in Lymphoid and Myeloid Malignancies.

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The European Hematology Association (EHA), a dedicated community of healthcare professionals, who work tirelessly "Towards prevention, cure, and quality of life for all patients with blood disorders", expresses its deep concern and sorrow over the ongoing violence and humanitarian crisis…

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