Young EHA
Welcome to Young EHA!As a junior member of EHA, you are part of the Young EHA family.
Read moreMesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSC)
The focus of the current MSC Specialized Working Group is to better understand mechanisms through which MSCs could modulate immune responses, identify individual cells belonging to the innate and adaptive immune responses that interact with MSCs and define the molecular…
Read morePediatric Hematology
The SWG on Pediatric Hematology has several key goals for the next four years (2024–2026):
To further develop our role as the voice of pediatric hematology within EHA
To reach out to YEHA pediatric hematologists to develop educational material to underpin our…
Support opportunities
View the EHA Ranking for 2025
EHA thrives on the support of the biomedical industry and the medical profession. The variety of opportunities available for industry range from educational activities to the EHA Congress.
EHA Guidelines on Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemias in Adults
Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) is a disease of the elderly, and by far the most frequent overlap myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm in adults.
Read moreShining a Light on Blood Cancer
EHA Launches Digital Campaign
In September 2021, the European Hematology Association (EHA) will honor Blood Cancer Awareness Month with an extensive digital campaign.
HemaSphere Editorial Board
Jan Cools, Belgium
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Claire Harrison, United Kingdom
Associate Editors
Stephen Ansell, USA
Martin Dreyling, Germany
Jeroen Eikenboom, The Netherlands
Adele Fielding, United Kingdom
Paolo Ghia, Italy
Simon Hallam, United Kingdom
Robert Hills, United Kingdom
Steffen Koschmieder, Germany
Martina Mückenthaler, Germany
Paula Rodríguez Otero, Spain
Juerg Schwaller, Switzerland
Francesca Vinchi, USA
Scientific Editors
Charles de Bock,…
Social Media Learning
EHA presents our own microlearning in 4 formats, covering diagnosis, pathology, clinical schemas, and clinical cases within topics in the European Hematology Curriculum.
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