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Publication of EHA Annual General Meeting 2023 minutes

EHA impact video


The 2023 EHA Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place in Frankfurt, Germany on June 9, 2023.

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The online press registration for EHA2024 Hybrid Congress is closed. The Congress Platform for registered press delegates will remain open until August 15. The recording of the Press briefing is published in the press section of the Congress Platform.

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EHA2023 Gallery

We extend our gratitude to the esteemed Faculty, delegates, and industry partners for their valuable contributions to the EHA2023 Hybrid Congress.

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SWG Educational Activities

EHA2023 Hybrid CongressDate and locationJune 8–11, 2023, in Frankfurt, Germany. ChairMarie Jose Kersten

Case discussions
Follicular Lymphoma: Martin Dreylng, Daphne De Jong. Double hit Lymphoma: Andrew Davies, Elias Campo. T-follicular helper cell lymphoma: Andrew Davies, Daphne De Jong.

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Ukraine Bridge Funding - information for applicants

The EHA Ukraine Bridge Funding Program is a 1-year non-clinical funding opportunity for Ukrainian hematologists and researchers in hematology (see press release here), now in collaboration with the American Society of Hematology, which will participate in funding and the selection…

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“Follow your dreams! Go for it!” – Verena Gaidzik, woman in hematology/EHA volunteer

Verena Gaidzik is a physician scientist in the department of Internal Medicine III (Head: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Döhner) at the University Hospital of Ulm. She has board certifications in internal medicine, hematology and oncology as well as palliative medicine.

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