
Commonalities and Differences in Myeloid Malignancies: Insights from the EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on MDS, MPN, and AML

November 2-4 - Budapest, Hungary

Meeting Chairs:

Konstanze Döhner, University Hospital Ulm, Germany
Claire Harrison, Guy's and St.

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Other malignancies in the history of CLL: an international multicenter study conducted by ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL, in HARMONY
Thomas Chatzikonstantinou; Lydia Scarfò; Georgios Karakatsoulis; Eva Minga; Dimitra Chamou; Gloria Iacoboni; Jana Kotaskova; Christos Demosthenous; Lukas Smolej;…

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Clinical trials

The advance of highly innovative, increasingly personalized therapies in hematology requires novel clinical trial designs and more flexible, adaptive regulatory frameworks and improved data generation to support decision making both during and after clinical studies.

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