First Hybrid HOPE meeting in Bangkok, Thailand - a report
Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Asia 2022
September 2-3, 2022 – Bangkok, Thailand
Meeting chairs
A Almeida, President, European Hematology Association (EHA)
G Gaidano, Chair Global Outreach Committee, European Hematology Association (EHA)
P Rojnuckarin, President, Thai Society of Hematology (TSH)
S Hongeng, Vice President, Thai Society…
Hematology and oncology, pacemakers for EU HTA
EHA’s Martin Kaiser, right, addressing his fellow panelists. Left to right: Brian Cuffel (Bayer), Caroline Pothet (EMA), Roisin Adams (HTA CG), Bernhard Wörmann (DGHO) and Elisabeth de Vries (ESMO).
Read moreHighlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Latin America (LA) 2023 - report
October 26, 2023 – São Paulo, Brazil
Meeting chairs:
A Almeida - President EHA
JF Comenalli Marques Jr - President ABHH
C Chiattone - President HEMO 2023
This year, the HOPE LA meeting was held in collaboration with the Associação Brasileira de Hematologia Hemoterapia e…
EHA-funded study in The Lancet Haematology: Economic Burden of Blood Disorders in EU is €23 billion
In Europe blood disorders affect around 80 million people. The total cost of blood disorders consists of healthcare expenditure (€15. 6 billion), productivity loss due to illness and mortality (€5. 6 billion), and the costs of informal care (€1.
Read morePublications
The 5th edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Haematolymphoid Tumours: Myeloid and Histiocytic/Dendritic Neoplasms.
Read moreEHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Granulocytes and Constitutional Marrow Failure Syndromes
The second scientific meeting on EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Granulocytes and Constitutional Marrow Failure Disorders and Leukemia Predisposing Genes was held on October 10-12, 2019 in Prague, Czech Republic.
Read moreEHA-SAH Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoid Malignancies and Plasma Cell Dyscrasias
Dates: September 14-15, 2018
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Chairs: D Fantl, R Foà
Co-chair: G Kusminsky
Following successful previous editions, EHA is organizing the second two-day tutorial in close collaboration with the Sociedad Argentina de Hematología (SAH) on “Lymphoid Malignancies and Plasma Cell Dyscrasias”.…
For the subgroup Rare hereditary blood cancers:
GATA2 monoallelic expression underlies reduced penetrance in inherited GATA2-mutated MDS/AML.
Subconjunctival injection of mesenchymal stromal cells protects the cornea in an experimental model of GVHD. Martínez-Carrasco R, Sánchez-Abarca LI, Nieto-Gómez C, García EM, Sánchez-Guijo F, Argüeso P, Aijón J, Hernández-Galilea E, Velasco A. Ocul Surf. 2019 Jan 7.
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