ASCERTAIN: EHA joins consortium aiming for better pricing and reimbursement models
November 28, 2022
EHA is a partner in the ASCERTAIN consortium which will develop models for the pricing, cost-benefit assessment, and reimbursement of innovative health technologies in Europe.
EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Integrated Cell Tracking in Oncohematology: Diagnosis, Targeted Therapy and Residual Disease
November 10-11, 2022 | Bordeaux, France
Meeting Chairs:
MC Béné, Nantes University
G Zini, Università Cattolica S.
EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting “Developing a research agenda for transfusion in Europe”
On September 15-17, 2022, the EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting “Developing a research agenda for transfusion in Europe” was successfully held at the Occidental Praha hotel in Prague, Czechia.
Read moreEHA in EU-funded project on voluntary plasma collection capacity in Europe
EHA to participate in an EU-funded project on “Strengthening voluntary non-remunerated plasma collection capacity in Europe” (SUPPLY)
Context: Plasma shortage
Plasma-derived medicinal products (PDMPs) are used to treat a variety of rare, chronic, and potentially life-threatening conditions including immune deficiencies, immune-mediated peripheral…
EHA to the European Commission and HTA leaders: work with medical societies to involve experts and make joint assessments a success
The speakers of the HTA conference hosted by the European Commission.
Read moreNew EU In Vitro Diagnostic medical devices Regulation (IVDR) comes into effect
On May 26, 2022, the new EU In Vitro Diagnostic medical devices Regulation (IVDR) came into effect, mandating stricter and more comprehensive certification and testing protocols for in vitro diagnostic medical devices.
Read moreEU funding approved for TOLERATE
On April 1, the European Commission approved funding for the TOLERATE training network, proposed by a KU Leuven-led consortium including EHA.
Read moreEU Calls for Proposal 2022
Spurred by COVID-19 and rising challenges to the financial sustainability of Europe’s health systems, a flurry of new EU policies and programs in health has sprung up since last year.
Shining a Light on Blood Cancer
EHA Launches Digital Campaign
In September 2021, the European Hematology Association (EHA) will honor Blood Cancer Awareness Month with an extensive digital campaign.
The EHA Guidelines Workshop, a meaningful and successful first Series!
November 2020 – April 2021
In the past six months, hematologists, clinicians, transfusion medicine specialists, oncologists, special nurses and researchers gathered virtually for the first EHA Guidelines Workshop series.