PROFILE Bootcamp in Entrepreneurial Innovation in Orphan Diseases, October 23-25, 2017, Leuven, Belgium.
Breaking innovations in rare diseases are at the centre of this PROFILE Bootcamp, which brings together junior & senior researchers, clinicians, pharmaceutical industry and policymakers.
Read moreMadrid Declaration: joint call for action on training requirements
The Madrid Declaration on enhanced training requirements for hematologists in the Professional Qualifications Directive enjoyed broad support from national society representatives at the EHA22 National Societies Dinner in Madrid.
Read moreLymphoid malignancies dissected in Warsaw
The EHA–PTHiT Tutorial on Lymphoid Malignancies was held on March 17-18, 2017 in Warsaw, Poland. 96% of meeting attendees were satisfied with the tutorial saying that their expectations are met.
Read moreLymphomas from A to Z
Nineteen countries from 3 continents were represented during the EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Rare Lymphomas on March 10-12, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.
Read moreLymphoma, multiple myeloma and marrow failure syndromes better understood during Sri Lanka tutorial
Hematologists from Sri Lanka and surrounding countries learned how to best care for patients with lymphoma, multiple myeloma and bone marrow failure syndromes and stem cell transplantation during the joint Tutorial organized by EHA with the Sri Lanka College of…
Read moreImpact of new technologies on diagnosis and treatment of anemias highlighted in scientific meeting
Hematologists from 18 countries and 4 continents learned more about the new techniques for diagnosis and treatment of anemias during the EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Anemias on February 2-4, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.
Read moreHARMONY: Better care of patients with hematologic malignancies kicked off!
“Combining data available from clinical trials as well as real world patients allows us to do more advanced analyses on possible treatment options that could be effective for individual patient or categories of patients”, said Jesús María Hernandez Rivas, Project…
Read moreYoung researchers to benefit from EHA training and mentoring
Participation in EHA-CRTH will allow these researchers to fine-tune the skills and knowledge required to successfully design, run and complete clinical trials.
Read moreEHA-funded study in The Lancet Haematology: Economic Burden of Blood Disorders in EU is €23 billion
In Europe blood disorders affect around 80 million people. The total cost of blood disorders consists of healthcare expenditure (€15. 6 billion), productivity loss due to illness and mortality (€5. 6 billion), and the costs of informal care (€1.
Read morePress Release: Economic burden of blood disorders in EU is €23 billion
The economic burden of blood disorders across the European Union, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland amounts to €23 billion per year.
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