
Writing and Publications WG

Authoring project and consensus papers.

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Report "Haematology and the next European Decade"

EHA and the European Cancer Patient Coalition co-hosted a meeting at the European Parliament in Brussels on August 30-31, 2011. The two-day conference was attended by doctors, researchers, parliamentarians, patient advocates and Commission officials.

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Cellular therapies in older adults with hematological malignancies: A case-based, state-of-the-art review
Neuendorff NR, Khan A, Ullrich F, Yates S, Devarakonda S, Lin RJ, von Tresckow B, Cordoba R, Artz A, Rosko AE. J Geriatr Oncol. 2024 Feb 29;15(3):101734.

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Chairs and Members


Prof Arnon Kater (2021-2024)
Amsterdam University Medical Centers, University of Amsterdam
The Netherlands


Prof Dr Sarka Pospisilova (2021-2024)
Masaryk Univerzity and Univerzity Hospital Brno
Czech Republic

SWG Executive Board members:

Carol Moreno (Hospital Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain)

Richard Rosenquist (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden)

Andy Rawstron (HMDS, Leeds, UK)

Yair Herishanu…

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Executive office

The EHA Board and its committees are supported by the Executive Office. An international team of staff members work in a dynamic, result-driven and open environment and takes pride in serving the association in an efficient manner.

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Autoimmune Neutropenias: Update on Clinical and Biological Features in Children and Adults
Fioredda, Francesca et al. HemaSphere vol. 7,1 e814. Jan. 2023.

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Immune-monitoring of myelodysplastic neoplasms: Recommendations from the i4MDS consortium
Cristina A. Tentori, Lin P. Zhao, Benedetta Tinterri, Kathryn E. Strange, Katharina Zoldan, Konstantinos Dimopoulos, Xingmin Feng, Elena Riva, Benjamin Lim, Yannick Simoni, Vidhya Murthy, Madeline J.

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