
Meet Fabienne Lucas, our January Volunteer of the Month

EHA is a Public Benefit Organization under Dutch law.

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Meet Fabienne Lucas, our January Volunteer of the Month

EHA is a Public Benefit Organization under Dutch law.

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Training vital for new era of patient-centric healthcare

Christine Chomienne, president of the European Hematology Association (EHA), was speaking at the third annual conference of the European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM) – a Brussels-based organization that brings together stakeholders from academia, through research,…

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International Survey of T2* Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Thalassemia

Thalassemia major (TM) is a substantial health issue, with over 25,000 new transfusion- dependent children identified each year around the world.

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Highlights of the EHA-EMA Joint Symposium on RWE

The fourth EHA-EMA Joint Symposium at EHA2024 brought together investigators, regulators and patients to discuss the use of real world evidence (RWE) in the evaluation of new drugs.

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Dr A van Hylckama Vlieg Announced Winner of the first EHA-ISTH Joint Fellowship

The award of EUR 72,000 over two years is intended to support the study of the physiology of bleeding, coagulation or thrombosis. Dr.

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EHA-AHA hematology tutorial on Biology and Management of Myeloid Malignancies

In 2016, a new hematology center opened in Yerevan, which offers new services, enabling professionals working there to apply theoretical knowledge and advanced approaches in everyday practice.

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