
EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on MDS/MPN/AML: Commonalities and Differences of Myeloid Neoplasms

Join us for this unique and rare opportunity and exchange ideas with MDS, MPN, and AML experts in one meeting. Internationally renowned experts will provide presentations and share the recent developments and answers to your clinical questions.

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Challenges and opportunities in the diagnostics and management of onco-hematological patients under the microscope during tutorial in Russia

Onco-hematology was the focus of the two-day EHA Hematology Tutorial in Moscow, Russia, the third joint tutorial organized by EHA, the National Hematological Society (NHS) and the Russian-Oncohematology Society (ROHS).

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1st EHA-Balkan Hematology Day

EHA is joining forces with the national societies from the Balkan countries and co-organizing with them the 1st edition of the EHA-Balkan Hematology Day.

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Travel Grants

Application for a travel grant closed on August 29

Travel grants are intended to support young investigators; therefore, applicants should be 36 years of age or young and are reserved for applicants from upper-middle, lower-middle, and low-income countries.

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Stem Cells


The goal of the SWG on Stem Cells is to bring together researchers, biologists and clinicians involved in stem cell research to share their recent advances in the field, as well as to train new junior members.

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EHA-SHRC Hematology Tutorial on Thalassemia

Dates: May 10-11, 2018
Location: Shiraz, Iran
Chairs: M Karimi, MD Cappellini & A Taher


EHA in close collaboration with Shiraz Hematology Research Center and the Shiraz Medical Center, endorsed by the Iranian Pediatric Hematology Oncology Society, organize a two day tutorial on “Thalassemia”.…

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Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Asia 2020

EHA is returning to Sri Lanka for the 2nd edition of the Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Asia, organized with our hosting partner: the Sri Lanka College of Haematologists (SLCH).

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