EHA-SAH Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoid Malignancies and Plasma Cell Dyscrasias
Dates: September 14-15, 2018
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Chairs: D Fantl, R Foà
Co-chair: G Kusminsky
Following successful previous editions, EHA is organizing the second two-day tutorial in close collaboration with the Sociedad Argentina de Hematología (SAH) on “Lymphoid Malignancies and Plasma Cell Dyscrasias”.…
The European Union must deliver funding for research of blood disorders
At the 20th Annual Congress of EHA, the results of two major projects are presented. The first is a study into the Cost of Blood Disorders in the EU Member States and Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland.
Read morePublications
For the subgroup Rare hereditary blood cancers:
GATA2 monoallelic expression underlies reduced penetrance in inherited GATA2-mutated MDS/AML.
ESH-EBMT-EHA-IPIG 3rd Translational Research Conference
ESH-EBMT-EHA-IPIG 3rd Translational Research Conference on Bone Marrow Failure and Leukaemia Predisposition Syndromes
Date: November 15-17, 2024
Location: Paris, France
Chairpersons: Carmem Bonfim, Tim Brümmendorf, Antonio Risitano, Sharon Savage
Scientific Committee: Beatrice Drexler, Carlo Dufour, Morag Griffin, Régis Peffault de Latour
With the support of the Severe Aplastic…
Chairs and members
Chair (2024–2027 term)Igor Aurer (education and scientific meetings co-lead) – University Hospital Centre Zagreb, University of Zagreb and KroHem, Croatia
Co-chair (2024–2027 term)Martin Dreyling (guidelines lead) – University Hospital Grosshadern, Ludwig Maximilian University and GLA, Germany
SWG Executive Board members (2024–2027 term)
Kim Linton (scientific secretary) –…
Other malignancies in the history of CLL: an international multicenter study conducted by ERIC, the European Research Initiative on CLL, in HARMONY
Thomas Chatzikonstantinou; Lydia Scarfò; Georgios Karakatsoulis; Eva Minga; Dimitra Chamou; Gloria Iacoboni; Jana Kotaskova; Christos Demosthenous; Lukas Smolej;…
SWG Educational Activities
General meetings in 2023Meetings to discuss the progress and management of collaborations within the European networks.
Read moreHighlights of Past EHA (HOPE) MENA 2021
For the upcoming edition of the Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Middle East and North Africa (MENA), EHA will organize a truly regional meeting by collaborating simultaneously with our hematology partners from the region.
Read moreEHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Immunotherapy for Hematological Disorders
EHA and the Scientific Working Group on Immunotherapy for Hematological Disorders are happy to announce the redesigned fully virtual meeting program to meet the needs of hematologists and immunologists in these challenging times.
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