
Registration & accommodation

Registration is now closed

Individual registrationHybrid registration includes:

In-person access to the scientific and educational sessions of the meeting
Access to the virtual platform
Meeting materials
Coffee/tea breaks on February 9-11, 2023 and lunches on February 10 & 11
Access to the Welcome Reception
Access to the…

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EHA-AAH Joint membership

We are pleased to inform that EHA and the Albanian Association of Hematology (AAH) have joined forces and are offering you the possibility of an EHA-AAH Joint Membership in 2023.

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Register for the on-demand recordings

Individual registration
The virtual registration includes:

On-demand access to the recordings of the scientific and educational sessions of the meeting that took place 10-12 November, 2022.

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EHA-AHA Joint membership

We are pleased to inform that EHA and the Armenian Hematology Association (AHA) have joined forces and are offering you the possibility of an EHA-AHA Joint Membership in 2023.

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EHA-SSH Joint membership

We are pleased to inform that EHA and the Swiss Society of Hematology (SSH) have joined forces and are offering you the possibility of an EHA-SSH Joint Membership in 2023.

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For mentors

When discussing this career development opportunity with your associates, please keep in mind that applicants with the same mentor are eligible to apply. However, no more than ONE participant from a specific mentor will be selected.

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