
Policy on life events

EHA has a policy on life events and eligibility. If you're submitting a grant application and the policy applies to your circumstances, you can ask us to extend the period of eligibility.

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EHA-SWG Scientific Meetings

On this page, you can browse and/or download the interactive EHA-SWG Scientific Meetings Sponsor Program.

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Dutch scientists propose algorithm to keep drugs affordable and accessible

May 8, 2018, The Hague - An important contribution to the debate about the affordability and accessibility of innovative medicines appeared in Nature Reviews, proposing the adoption of a novel model of price setting with examples of implementation.

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Lighting the Flame program phases

A full guide to what our Lighting the Flame program involves, including dates of upcoming online workshops and in-person retreats.

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EHA Education & Mentoring Award

“Educating and mentoring are a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction. ”

Through this award, EHA recognized excellent teachers and mentors at any stage of their career.

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EHA-PTHiT Hematology Tutorial on Myeloid and Lymphoid Leukemias

Dates: September 21-22, 2018
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Chairs: T Robak,  G Gaidano, I Hus

Following successful previous editions, EHA is coordinating the third two-day tutorial in close collaboration with the Polish Society of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine on “Myeloid and Lymphoid Leukemias”.…

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EHA Statement of Solidarity with local communities in Türkiye and Syria

The European Hematology Association (EHA) is deeply concerned about the situation in southern Türkiye and northern Syria: Monday's earthquakes and aftershocks have killed thousands of people and destroyed innumerable buildings, while freezing temperatures and damaged roads are hampering rescue efforts.

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International Survey of T2* Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Thalassemia

Thalassemia major (TM) is a substantial health issue, with over 25,000 new transfusion- dependent children identified each year around the world.

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