Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE ) Asia 2021 - report
In the first weekend of September (September 3-4), EHA opened the virtual platform for HOPE Asia 2021.
Read moreShining a Light on Blood Cancer
EHA Launches Digital Campaign
In September 2021, the European Hematology Association (EHA) will honor Blood Cancer Awareness Month with an extensive digital campaign.
VIRTUAL: EHA-TSH Hematology Tutorial
June 25&26, 2021
Meeting Chairs:
Prof S Eichinger (European Hematology Association)
Prof H Özsan (Turkish Society of Hematology)
In close collaboration with the Turkish Society of Hematology, EHA has annually organized live, joint tutorials (nine in the series), which are organized as part of…
Congratulations to the 2021 Research Grant winners!
The Hague, 2 June 2021 –EHA congratulates nine talented researchers in hematology on their receipt of the EHA Research Grants 2021 after a rigorous selection process.
Read moreThe EHA Guidelines Workshop, a meaningful and successful first Series!
November 2020 – April 2021
In the past six months, hematologists, clinicians, transfusion medicine specialists, oncologists, special nurses and researchers gathered virtually for the first EHA Guidelines Workshop series.
GoCART Coalition - Call for research proposals within Work Package 6: Scientific Excellence
Dear GoCART community,
With more than 1500 CAR-T infusions registered in the EBMT registry, EHA and EBMT are proud to announce a series of scientific calls within Work Package 6: Scientific Excellence of the GoCART coalition.
Hematology 2.0: navigating the world of medical apps
Interview with Dr Alex Langridge, SpR, by Dr Nuno Borges, MBBS, MRes, on behalf of YoungEHA. Despite the controversy surrounding them, medical apps remain extremely popular and lucrative endeavors.
Read moreCRTH – reflections on a unique learning experience
CRTH (Clinical Research Training in Hematology) is a 9-month long unique training and mentoring experience focused on clinical research in Europe, with a global scope.
Read moreEHA-EBMT 3rd European CAR T-cell Meeting (Virtual)
Dates: February 4-6, 2021
Chairs: H Einsele (EHA) & C Chabannon (EBMT)
For the 3rd time now the European Hematology Association (EHA) and the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) jointly organized the European CAR T-cell Meeting; this year in…
T2EVOLVE: breakthrough alliance boosting Europe to the forefront of cancer immunotherapy
This press release is originally found here: http://prn. to/2YF7Js3
THE HAGUE, Netherlands, Feb. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- T2EVOLVE is a new breakthrough alliance of academic and industry leaders in cancer immunotherapy under the European Union's Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI).