Urgent action needed to avoid widespread shortage of in-vitro diagnostic tests
In a new statement, BioMed Alliance highlights its increasing concern about the availability of In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) testing devices in Europe.
Read moreEHA Mentorship Program eligibility
Before applying for the EHA Mentorship Program, please consider the eligibility criteria on this page. You should also read our policy on life events.
Read moreEHA-EMN Joint Session at the European Myeloma Network Meeting EMN2023
On Saturday, 22 April, EHA and EMN brought together patients, regulators and clinicians to discuss Novel Endpoints in Multiple Myeloma.
Read moreIn Memoriam Professor Emeritus Michel Symann
Dear Colleagues,
My dear friend Professor Emeritus Michel Symann passed away on April 23, 2023 at the age of 81.
Granulocytes & Constitutional Marrow Failures Disorders
The Specialized Working Group (SWG) on Granulocytes and Constitutional Marrow Failure Syndromes (G&CMFS) derives from the fusion of the formerly existing SWG on Granulocyte and Monocyte Disorders with other initiatives, grown within the EHA environment, related to Constitutional Marrow Failure…
Read moreEHA Congratulates EHA Kick-Off Grant 2022 Winners
The Hague, December 8, 2022 – EHA Congratulates seven talented researchers in Hematology on their receipt of an EHA Kick-Off Grant 2022 after a rigorous selection process.
Read moreEHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Immunotherapy for Hematological Disorders
EHA and the Scientific Working Group on Immunotherapy for Hematological Disorders are happy to announce the redesigned fully virtual meeting program to meet the needs of hematologists and immunologists in these challenging times.
Read moreHospital pharmacists and regulators lead the way on shortages
EHA welcomes initiatives but calls for more focus on causes
Medicine shortages have a negative impact on the quality and cost of treatments and on patient access to the best possible care.