
May 8 - International Thalassaemia Day

Every year on the 8th May, Thalassaemia International Federation commemorates the International Thalassaemia Day and organises activities for raising awareness about the genetic blood disorder of thalassaemia, on general topics regarding its prevention, management and cure.

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The European Hematology Association promotes excellence in patient care, research, and education in hematology. We serve medical professionals, researchers, and scientists with an active interest in hematology.

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European Hematology Association tentatively responds to the European Commission’s proposal to improve clinical research

In addition, the regulation appears to accommodate multi-national trials with, for instance, a harmonized authorization dossier, and a single submission system.

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Meet Stefan Fröhling, our November volunteer of the month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
I first learned about EHA in 2002 when I attended the 7th Congress of EHA in Florence.

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Meet Stefan Fröhling, our November volunteer of the month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
I first learned about EHA in 2002 when I attended the 7th Congress of EHA in Florence.

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European Hematology Association publishes new journal with Wolters Kluwer

The European Hematology Association, the largest Europe-based association of hematologists, launched its new journal HemaSphere with publisher Wolters Kluwer at the 22nd Annual Congress of EHA in Madrid.

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Scientific Program Committee, EHA2025 Congress

Current committee members
Martin Dreyling, Germany (Chair)
Brian Huntly, United Kingdom (Past Chair)
Meritxell Alberich Jordà, Czechia (Chair elect)
Paolo Corradini, Italy (Local representative)
Gabriela Baerlocher, Switzerland
Valentine Brousse, France
Mattia D'Agostino, Italy
Mariane de Montalembert, France
Jordi Esteve, Spain
Thierry Facon, France
Thoas Fioretos, Sweden
Krzystof Giannopoulos, Poland
Shahram Kordasti, United Kingdom

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Highlights of the EHA-EMA Joint Symposium on RWE

The fourth EHA-EMA Joint Symposium at EHA2024 brought together investigators, regulators and patients to discuss the use of real world evidence (RWE) in the evaluation of new drugs.

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