
Key messages of the 22nd Congress of EHA brought to the Middle East and North Africa

The second edition of the Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) brought the key messages of the 22nd Congress of EHA to the Cairo, Egypt in September 2017.

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Press release: Theme of the Year and Patient Advocacy - 18th Congress of EHA - European Hematology Association

This year for the first time, the EHA congress program is complemented by a dedicated advocacy track. This track combines all patient and policy related sessions into one comprehensive full-day program on Saturday.

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EU Calls for Proposal 2022

Spurred by COVID-19 and rising challenges to the financial sustainability of Europe’s health systems, a flurry of new EU policies and programs in health has sprung up since last year.

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EHA Statement of Solidarity with local communities in Türkiye and Syria

The European Hematology Association (EHA) is deeply concerned about the situation in southern Türkiye and northern Syria: Monday's earthquakes and aftershocks have killed thousands of people and destroyed innumerable buildings, while freezing temperatures and damaged roads are hampering rescue efforts.

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EHA-AHA hematology tutorial on Biology and Management of Myeloid Malignancies

In 2016, a new hematology center opened in Yerevan, which offers new services, enabling professionals working there to apply theoretical knowledge and advanced approaches in everyday practice.

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EHA mapping of adolescent and young adult (AYA) hematology patient care

EHA has launched a major consultation to understand patient care for Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) with hematological diagnoses across Europe.

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Open Access: the ‘Plan S’


Research and academic groundwork funded with public means should be free and open to everyone. That is the principle behind Open Access that was formulated in 2003 in the Berlin Declaration.

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From Plans to Action: European Cancer Summit

From Plans to Action:  European Cancer Summit (Brussels-Hybrid, November 17-18, 2021) 
November 17- 18 marks the first anniversary of EHA’s membership to the European Cancer Organisation (ECO), as well as the event dates for the 2021 European Cancer Summit.

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