
Is CBTH for me?

CBTH provides the development of computational biology skills for scholars who want to build successful careers in hematology research.

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Adding elotuzumab to standard treatment for multiple myeloma significantly reduced the risk of disease progression, with benefits sustained at two years

ELOQUENT-2, which evaluated elotuzumab in combination with lenalidomide and dexamethasone, is the first Phase III study to demonstrate the benefit of directly activating the immune system in the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma.

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Support opportunities

EHA Ranking for 2024 is now accessible via this link. EHA thrives on the support of the biomedical industry and the medical profession. The variety of opportunities available for industry range from educational activities to the EHA Congress.

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For mentors

When discussing this career development opportunity with your associates, please keep in mind that applicants with the same mentor are eligible to apply. However, no more than ONE participant from a specific mentor will be selected.

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What an EHA Research Grant supports

Our EHA Research Grants support basic and translational lab-based research in hematology.

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A journey to hematology – a dream come true

YoungEHA proudly presents our first blog authored by a guest writer, Dr. Ana Zelić Kerep, a resident physician in the Department of Hematology, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Croatia. A journey to hematology – a dream come true

by Dr.

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Nurses abstract submission

Abstract and Case Report submission for nurses is now closed. Nurses abstract submissionDon’t miss out on a great opportunity to submit an abstract for the 6th EHA-EBMT European CAR T-cell Meeting 2024.

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EHA-THD Joint membership

We are pleased to inform that EHA and the Türk Hematoloji Derneği (THD) have joined forces and are offering you the possibility of an EHA-THD Joint Membership in 2023.

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