
International Call to Action to Alleviate Drug Shortages

The common call to action seeks first to raise awareness of shortages of drugs among hematologists.

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Meet Maria-Victoria Mateos, our April Volunteer of the Month

Maria Victoria Mateos currently heads the Scientific Program Committee of the 24th EHA Congress which will be held on June 13-16 in Amsterdam.

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Meet Maria-Victoria Mateos, our April Volunteer of the Month

Maria Victoria Mateos currently heads the Scientific Program Committee of the 24th EHA Congress which will be held on June 13-16 in Amsterdam.

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Meet Ton Hagenbeek, our May volunteer of the month

Anton Hagenbeek began as EHA Volunteer when EHA was only starting out. Below you will read more about his motivations and invites fresh blood to support the organization.

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Meet Ton Hagenbeek, our May volunteer of the month

Anton Hagenbeek began as EHA Volunteer when EHA was only starting out. Below you will read more about his motivations and invites fresh blood to support the organization.

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Killer antibodies against AML

Most patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) can only be cured when a stem cell transplant induces an immune response against the patient’s leukemia.

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Meet Shaun McCann, our July volunteer of the month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
I have been a member of the EHA since its beginning. I began taking part in tutorials in 2007.

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Meet Shaun McCann, our July volunteer of the month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
I have been a member of the EHA since its beginning. I began taking part in tutorials in 2007.

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Hematology Tutorial in Sri Lanka updates expertise on myeloid malignancies and MDS of local hematologists

After a successful first edition in 2017, EHA and the Sri Lanka College of Haematologists (SLCH) organized its second two-day tutorial together in February in Colombo. The tutorial aimed to update the expertise of local hematologists from all levels.

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