
Priority Points System

The Priority Points System is designed to recognize sponsors’ investment and continuous support for EHA activities, and are allocated for each sponsorship program and/or item.

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Clinical Case Unit

Current committee members

Marielle Wondergem, The Netherlands (Editor-in-Chief)
Barbara Bain, United Kingdom (Editor)
John Burthem, United Kingdom (Editor)
Mary Frances McMullin, United Kingdom (Editor)
Christopher McNamara, United Kingdom (Editor)

AimThe Clinical Case Unit guards the quality and consistency of all cases presented at EHA Tutorials and…

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SPC Advisory Board, EHA Congress 2025

Current committee members
Lorena Arranz, Norway
Peter Borchmann, Germany
Veronika Buxhofer-Ausch, Austria
Ana Cvejic, Denmark
Matteo Della Porta, Italy
Michael Doubek, Czechia
Andreas Glenthøj, Denmark
Maria Gomes da Silva, Portugal
Julia Hauer, Germany
Daniel Hodson, United Kingdom
Cristina João, Portugal
Sören Lehmann, Sweden
Tamás Masszi, Hungary
Karinna Meijer, The Netherlands
Jamie O'Sullivan, Ireland
Cristina Papayannidis, Italy

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European Hematology Exam

The 3rd European Hematology Exam will take place during the 24th EHA Congress in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Latin America 2021

For the third edition of the Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Latin America (LA), EHA will organize a truly regional meeting by collaborating simultaneously with our hematology partners from the region.

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Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Asia 2021

For the third edition of the Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Asia, EHA will organize a truly regional meeting by collaborating simultaneously with our hematology partners from the region.

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GoCART coalition activities (CARTs and cellular therapies)

GoCART Clinical Case Discussion Series for Physicians - 4th edition
Panel: Dr. Sara Ghorashian, Dr. Peter Bader and Dr. Franco Locatelli along with moderator Dr.

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How to apply for CBTH

TimelinesApplication CBTH 2025
Deadline: September 24, 2024 (15:00 CEST)

November 2024

How to apply?Download the signature letter template. Fill in the template and get it duly signed for upload into the online application platform.

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