
Previous winners, 2012–2022

2022 winners
Alexandre Fagnan
Junior Research Grant 2022
Deciphering the chromatin remodeling mechanism mediated by GATA2 ZnF1 mutations in AML

Samuele Ferrari
Junior Research Grant 2022
Innovative targeted base editing strategies for gene correction of WHIM syndrome

Lars Velten
Advanced Research Grant 2022
The role of the DNA methylation…

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Registration & Accommodation

Register Now

Registration fee includes:

Access to the scientific and educational sessions of the meeting
Networking opportunities during breaks and welcome reception
Catering during meeting hours incl.

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Corporate Sponsor Program

EHA Ranking for 2024 is now accessible via this link. "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

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Please click on the image to open the program-at-a-glance.

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HemaSphere - the official open access journal of EHAHemaSphere is the official open access, peer-reviewed journal of EHA, supporting hematology researchers by offering a fast and constructive review process and low publication fees.

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Congress Sponsor Program

Join us at the EHA Annual Congress, where you have the unique opportunity to connect and grow with a community of hematology experts.

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SWG Educational Activities

EICMLThe 2023 EICML meeting took place in Naples in May 2023. Fifty-five physicians and scientists met at the Palazzo Alabardieri in central Naples to spend two days discussing emerging data and developing collaborations.

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