
A journey to hematology – a dream come true

YoungEHA proudly presents our first blog authored by a guest writer, Dr. Ana Zelić Kerep, a resident physician in the Department of Hematology, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Croatia. A journey to hematology – a dream come true

by Dr.

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EHA-SfPM Precision Medicine Meeting

EHA and SfPM (Society for Functional Precision Medicine) are proud to present the first joint meeting on Precision Medicine.

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Meeting Program

All times are in GMT-3, local time in Brazil.

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How malignant cells in patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia escape T cell recognition and attack

T cell activation is essential for immunity including the recognition and killing of abnormal target cells such as cancerous cells.

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Without access to treatment, can we truly innovate in rare diseases?

Interview with Giampaolo Merlini

There have been many developments on rare diseases since the EU Orphan Medicinal Products Regulation came into force in 2000. As the European Commission is evaluating its effectiveness, EHA discussed with Prof.

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Major changes needed for patients to benefit from precision medicine

Precision medicine approaches the treatment of a disease via an individual’s genes, environment, and lifestyle.

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More than science: the European Affairs program at EHA2023

To develop and administer safe, innovative and effective treatments for patients with blood diseases, hematologists need an effective and enabling regulatory environment.

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SWG Educational Activities


November 10-11, 2022 | Bordeaux, France

Meeting Chairs:

MC Béné, Nantes University

G Zini, Università Cattolica S.

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Meet Maria-Victoria Mateos, our April Volunteer of the Month

Maria Victoria Mateos currently heads the Scientific Program Committee of the 24th EHA Congress which will be held on June 13-16 in Amsterdam.

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Meet Maria-Victoria Mateos, our April Volunteer of the Month

Maria Victoria Mateos currently heads the Scientific Program Committee of the 24th EHA Congress which will be held on June 13-16 in Amsterdam.

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