
SWG Educational Activities

EHA-SWG meeting at EHA2023Date and timeThursday, June 8, 2023, from 16. 00–18. 00. LocationFrankfurt, Germany. Chairs
A Taher
A Iolascon
EHA-SWG scientific meetingMeeting topic and title‘Red Cell and Iron Metabolism Defects: From Basic Science to Clinical Case Application.

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HemaSphere Editorial Board

Jan Cools, Belgium
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Claire Harrison, United Kingdom
Associate Editors
Stephen Ansell, USA
Martin Dreyling, Germany
Jeroen Eikenboom, The Netherlands
Adele Fielding, United Kingdom
Paolo Ghia, Italy
Simon Hallam, United Kingdom
Robert Hills, United Kingdom
Steffen Koschmieder, Germany
Martina Mückenthaler, Germany
Paula Rodríguez Otero, Spain
Juerg Schwaller, Switzerland

Francesca Vinchi, USA
Scientific Editors
Charles de Bock,…

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EHA-SPSHTM joint membership

Save up to €75 by becoming a joint member of EHA and the Scientific and Practical Society of Hematologists and Transfusiologists from the Republic of Moldova.

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Change the world. Make a difference. Improve the lives of many. With more than 6,000 members from 150 countries, EHA is the largest European-based organization that caters to medical professionals, researchers, and scientists with an active interest in hematology.

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Joint Membership

This membership is designed for scientific researchers and physicians from multiple national societies who specialize or are interested in hematology. The main aim is to increase the cooperation in various areas and therefore strengthen hematology at the European level.

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Burnouts: when caregivers become patients

Author: Côme Bommier (Young EHA Ambassador)
Affiliations: Hôpital St-Louis (Paris, France) & Mayo Clinic (Rochester MN, USA)

A survey will be released in September to further map burnout
among hematology professionals in Europe.

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EHA Kick-off Grants

The call for applications will close on September 10, 2024, at 15:00 (CEST).   Apply now

The EHA Kick-off Grant is a one-year grant intended to support basic and translational early career researchers in hematology.

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EHA Exam

The 8th European Hematology Exam took place on June 13, 2024. The main exam session was held during the EHA2024 Hybrid Congress in Madrid, Spain. In total, 244 candidates took the exam at 15 locations.

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