
Major research funding calls are out now

First, the Innovative Medicines Initiative published its final call under the EU Seventh Framework Programme. Interestingly for hematologists, the call includes a project called ‘Blood-based biomarker assays for personalized tumour therapy: value of circulating biomarkers’.

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Guidelines Committee

Current committee members
Noémi Roy, United Kingdom (Chair)
Martin Dreyling, Germany (Vice-Chair)
Steffen Koschmieder, Germany (Executive member)
Marieke Kruip, The Netherlands (Executive member)
Area associate members
Tamam Bakchoul, Germany
Sabine Blum, Switzerland 
Cristina Castilla Llorente, France 
Lydie Da Costa, France
Wojciech Jurczak, Poland
Giovanna Russo, Italy
Cynthia So-Osman, The Netherlands
AimThe aim of…

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National societies

EHA pursues close collaboration with the national hematology societies to ensure that the professional hematology community in Europe is served in the best possible way.

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Lymphoma, multiple myeloma and marrow failure syndromes better understood during Sri Lanka tutorial

Hematologists from Sri Lanka and surrounding countries learned how to best care for patients with lymphoma, multiple myeloma and bone marrow failure syndromes and stem cell transplantation during the joint Tutorial organized by EHA with the Sri Lanka College of…

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SWG Educational Activities

MeetingsSession on thrombocytopenias and platelet function disordersAt the EHA 2023 Congress, we held a session on ‘Thrombocytopenias and platelet function disorders: Recent developments and perspectives in immune thrombocytopenia.

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EHA-AAH Balkan Mini Hematology Tutorial 2021

EHA is joining forces with the Albanian Association of Hematology (AAH) to organize the EHA-AAH Balkan Hematology Mini Tutorial.

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