
The European Parliament adopts the Regulation on Substances of Human Origins (SoHO)

On April 24, the European Parliament gave its final endorsement to the regulation on Substances of Human Origin (SoHO).

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Daratumumab, a CD38 monoclonal antibody study in advanced multiple myeloma – an open-label, dose escalation followed by open-label extension in a single-arm phase I/II study

Daratumumab is a human CD38 monoclonal antibody being tested against multiple myeloma, but it could also have potential in a broad range of other hematological diseases.

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Meeting Program

All times are in GMT-3, local time in Brazil.

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Ukraine Bridge Funding - information for applicants

The EHA Ukraine Bridge Funding Program is a 1-year non-clinical funding opportunity for Ukrainian hematologists and researchers in hematology (see press release here), now in collaboration with the American Society of Hematology, which will participate in funding and the selection…

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Personalized medicine promises radical improvements to healthcare in Europe

And the precision that personalised medicine will bring good prospects for better use of resources.

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Evaluation of 243 patients with deletion 17p chronic lymphocytic leukemia treated with ibrutinib: a cross-study analysis of treatment outcomes

Evaluation of 243 patients with deletion 17p chronic lymphocytic leukemia treated with ibrutinib: a cross-study analysis of treatment outcomes

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) with the deletion of chromosome 17p (del17p) has been linked to aggressive disease and patient survival of only…

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Hospital pharmacists and regulators lead the way on shortages

EHA welcomes initiatives but calls for more focus on causes

Medicine shortages have a negative impact on the quality and cost of treatments and on patient access to the best possible care.

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Integrated Diagnosis Strategies in Oncohematology for the Management of Cytopenias and Leukocytosis

111 hematologists from 31 countries met in Barcelona for a three-day scientific meeting on Integrated Diagnosis Strategies in Oncohematology for the Management of Cytopenias and Leukocytosis.

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Tackling Sickle Cell Disease: the need for a European approach

Elvie Ingoli, president of the German association of SCD and thalassemia patients, at the 7th EAPM Presidency Conference in Brussels. Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is relatively new to many parts of Europe.

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