Connecting experts on inherited anemias and iron defects in Budapest
October 12-14, 2023 – Budapest, Hungary
Meeting Chairs:
Ali Taher, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon
Achille Iolascon, University Federico II of Naples, Naples, Italy
In October 2023 EHA and the Specialized Working Group (SWG) on Red Cell and Iron hosted a…
The European Hematology Association (EHA) Announces a New Era of Partnership with Interplan as its New Core PCO
The European Hematology Association (EHA) is delighted to announce to the conference and meeting community the outcome of its Core PCO Invitation To Tender (ITT).
Read moreEHA Congratulates the 2021 Bilateral Collaborative Grant Winners
The Hague, April 25, 2022 –EHA congratulates four talented researchers in Hematology on their receipt of the inaugural EHA Bilateral Collaborative Grants 2021 after a rigorous selection process.
Read moreAbstract & travel grant submission
Abstract submission is closed
Abstract procedurePlease note that the submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the presenting author to present the abstract (if accepted) orally or as a poster in the session at the time assigned by the…
Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Latin America (LA) 2023 - report
October 26, 2023 – São Paulo, Brazil
Meeting chairs:
A Almeida - President EHA
JF Comenalli Marques Jr - President ABHH
C Chiattone - President HEMO 2023
This year, the HOPE LA meeting was held in collaboration with the Associação Brasileira de Hematologia Hemoterapia e…
Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Latin America (LA) 2019
Dates: October 4-5, 2019
Location: Mendoza, Argentina
Prof Dorotea Fantl, President, Sociedad Argentina de Hematología (SAH)
Prof Marivi Mateos, EHA Executive Board Member, European Hematology Association (EHA)
EHA, in partnership with the Sociedad Argentina de Hematología (SAH), is bringing the key messages from the…
Helping steer EHA into the future
In 2020, EHA launched the Taskforce on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with an EHA Board mandate.
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