
Great new opportunity for the YoungEHA community!

Great new opportunity for the YoungEHA community!
by Dr Nuno Borges, YoungEHA committee

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has launched the 'Collaborating Expert Programme' - an initiative which aims to increase co-operation between European countries to improve research into medicinal products.…

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List of national societies

National Societies


Albanian Association of Haematology

Adress: Rr. Muhamet Gjollesha
Godina 56
Hyrja 1/12
Tirana, Albania

President: Prof Arben Ivanaj
Email: albhematology@gmail. com


Armenian Hematology Association 

H. Nersisyan str.

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Cookie policy

When you visit the EHA website and/or EHA’s resource platform(s) (this includes all websites and pages, with the exemption of www. t2evolve.

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Original scientific publications
Lymphopenia confers poorer prognosis in Myelodysplastic Syndromes with very low and low IPSS-M
Fandrei D, Huynh T, Sébert M, Aguinaga L, Bisio V, Kim R, Clappier E, Espéli M, Balabanian K, Moins-Teisserenc H, Toubert A, Dulphy N, Fenaux…

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