

Subconjunctival injection of mesenchymal stromal cells protects the cornea in an experimental model of GVHD. Martínez-Carrasco R, Sánchez-Abarca LI, Nieto-Gómez C, García EM, Sánchez-Guijo F, Argüeso P, Aijón J, Hernández-Galilea E, Velasco A. Ocul Surf. 2019 Jan 7.

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Pieter Sonneveld appointed Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau

The EHA Board congratulates former EHA President Professor Pieter Sonneveld on his appointment as an Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau by His Majesty King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands.

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Tackling Sickle Cell Disease: the need for a European approach

Elvie Ingoli, president of the German association of SCD and thalassemia patients, at the 7th EAPM Presidency Conference in Brussels. Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is relatively new to many parts of Europe.

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1st European EHA Sickle Cell Conference

EHA is teaming up with the Annual Scientific Conference on Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia, 2020 and the British Society of Haematology (BSH) to co-organize this first European Sickle Cell Conference; and also as a result of COVID-19 offer it as…

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Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Cairo 2018

EHA returned to Cairo with the 3rd edition of the Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE). The meeting was organized in partnership with regional and national societies in the Middle East and North Africa.

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