
Introducing YoungEHA: you don’t have to grow old to make a difference

By Dr. Fabienne Lucas, MD PhD, YoungEHA Committee. Hearing exciting new research, attending lectures by leaders in the field, and networking are some of the obvious things that are happening during the annual EHA congress.

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Patient Advocacy Committee

Current committee members
Derek Elston, United Kingdom (Chair)
Samantha Nier (Switzerland) (Vice-chair)
Members representing a Patient Advocacy Organization


Acute Leukaemia Advocates Network (ALAN)

Samantha Nier

CCI Europe

Anita Kienesberger

CLL Advocates Network (CLLAN)

Pierre Aumont

CML Advocates Network

Jan Geissler

European Federation of Associations of Patients with Haemochromatosis (EFAPH)

Dag Erling Stavik

European Haemophilia…

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Young EHA

Welcome to Young EHA!As a junior member of EHA, you are part of the Young EHA family.

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Major changes needed for patients to benefit from precision medicine

Precision medicine approaches the treatment of a disease via an individual’s genes, environment, and lifestyle.

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Meet Ton Hagenbeek, our May volunteer of the month

Anton Hagenbeek began as EHA Volunteer when EHA was only starting out. Below you will read more about his motivations and invites fresh blood to support the organization.

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Meet Ton Hagenbeek, our May volunteer of the month

Anton Hagenbeek began as EHA Volunteer when EHA was only starting out. Below you will read more about his motivations and invites fresh blood to support the organization.

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EHA Endorsement of ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines on Hodgkin Lymphoma

EHA and ESMO agreed to collaborate in the production of European Guidelines for different hematological malignancies. For the second workshop in the series participants joined us for the EHA Endorsement of ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines on Hodgkin Lymphoma.

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Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Asia 2021

For the third edition of the Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Asia, EHA will organize a truly regional meeting by collaborating simultaneously with our hematology partners from the region.

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Meet Michaela Gruber, our December volunteer of the month

Can you tell us what you do for EHA and when you started?
Over six years ago, I was one of the initiators of what is now the “YoungEHA” and the “Young-EHA Committee”.

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