
EHA-EBMT 3rd European CAR T-cell Meeting (Virtual)

Dates: February 4-6, 2021

Chairs: H Einsele (EHA) & C Chabannon (EBMT)

For the 3rd time now the European Hematology Association (EHA) and the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) jointly organized the European CAR T-cell Meeting; this year in…

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Press Release: Economic burden of blood disorders in EU is €23 billion

The economic burden of blood disorders across the European Union, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland amounts to €23 billion per year.

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EHA-BMAH Joint Membership

Join EHA and BMAH  to receive up to €80 discount on your membershipThe European Hematology Association (EHA) and the Bulgarian Medical Society of Hematology (BMAH), have joined forces to offer joint membership to their members.

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ATMPs and CAR-T: the uptake challenge

Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) are a game changer for improving the life of patients with severe to life-threatening diseases. In hematology, for instance, CAR T cell therapy has shown promising results in tackling different blood cancers.

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As of May 26, 2022, the new EU In Vitro Diagnostic medical devices Regulation (IVDR) comes into effect.

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FUNDING ALERT: Calls published on ATMPs, T cells and cancer research

In recent weeks, two Calls for proposals were published that offer relevant funding opportunities for hematologists:


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New data exchange platform on rare diseases

The European Commission (EC) launched a new online knowledge-sharing platform – the European Platform on Rare Disease Registration (EU RD Platform) – on February 28, 2019.

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