
EHA25 Virtual | News Room

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Expert opinions for COVID-19 vaccination in patients with hematologic cancer

Ronja Brockhoff, Hamdi Akan, Rafael Duarte, Martin Hönigl, Nikolay Klimko, Sibylle C. Mellinghoff, Livio Pagano, Antonio Pagliuca, Paul Verweij, Oliver A.

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International CML adherence survey launched

The drivers behind non-adherence, a highly prevalent problem in oral cancer treatments but also in many other diseases like diabetes, are not well understood to date.

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SWG Educational Activities

EICMLThe 2023 EICML meeting took place in Naples in May 2023. Fifty-five physicians and scientists met at the Palazzo Alabardieri in central Naples to spend two days discussing emerging data and developing collaborations.

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Matching-adjusted indirect comparison of asciminib versus other treatments in chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia after failure of two prior tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Atallah E, Mauro MJ, Hochhaus A, Boquimpani C, Minami Y, Maheshwari VK, Saini L, Corbin R, Réa D.

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