
Secure European Research Funding! Sign the Petition!


http://www. no-cuts-on-research. eu
EHA supports European Nobel and Fields Medal prizewinners to prevent the EU research funding for 2014-2020 from being subject to budget cuts.

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Hematology Education & Training

The European Hematology Association (EHA) is the largest provider of independent, evidence-based, and peer-reviewed medical and scientific education in hematology in Europe.

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Management of ALL in Adults: 2023 ELN Recommendations from a European Expert Panel
Gökbuget N, Boissel N, Chiaretti S, Dombret H, Doubek M, Fielding AK, Foà R, Giebel S, Hoelzer D, Hunault M, Marks DI, Martinelli G, Ottmann O, Rijneveld…

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Terms & Conditions

EHA offers visitors a wide variety of information and a range of online services via its website.

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Non-EHA Funding Opportunities

Here you will find other interesting funding opportunities for European researchers in hematology. If you are interested in adding additional opportunities to this page, please contact research@ehaweb. org.

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