

Matching-adjusted indirect comparison of asciminib versus other treatments in chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia after failure of two prior tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Atallah E, Mauro MJ, Hochhaus A, Boquimpani C, Minami Y, Maheshwari VK, Saini L, Corbin R, Réa D.

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New EU In Vitro Diagnostic medical devices Regulation (IVDR) comes into effect

On May 26, 2022, the new EU In Vitro Diagnostic medical devices Regulation (IVDR) came into effect, mandating stricter and more comprehensive certification and testing protocols for in vitro diagnostic medical devices.

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New EU In Vitro Diagnostic medical devices Regulation (IVDR) comes into effect

On May 26, 2022, the new EU In Vitro Diagnostic medical devices Regulation (IVDR) came into effect, mandating stricter and more comprehensive certification and testing protocols for in vitro…

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In Memoriam Jean Claude Brouet

Professor Jean Claude Brouet passed away on December 12, 2022 at the age of 80.

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The EBMT/EHA CAR-T Cell Handbook
Editors: Nicolaus Kröger, John Gribben, Christian Chabannon, Ibrahim Yakoub-Agha, Hermann Einsele. 2022, ISBN 978-3-030-94352-3 ISBN 978-3-030-94353-0 (eBook).

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HemaSphere Editorial Board

Jan Cools, Belgium
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Claire Harrison, United Kingdom
Associate Editors
Stephen Ansell, USA
Martin Dreyling, Germany
Jeroen Eikenboom, The Netherlands
Adele Fielding, United Kingdom
Paolo Ghia, Italy
Simon Hallam, United Kingdom
Robert Hills, United Kingdom
Steffen Koschmieder, Germany
Martina Mückenthaler, Germany
Paula Rodríguez Otero, Spain
Juerg Schwaller, Switzerland

Francesca Vinchi, USA
Scientific Editors
Charles de Bock,…

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ASCERTAIN: EHA joins consortium aiming for better pricing and reimbursement models

November 28, 2022
EHA is a partner in the ASCERTAIN consortium which will develop models for the pricing, cost-benefit assessment, and reimbursement of innovative health technologies in Europe.

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