
EHA Kick-off Grants

The call for applications will close on September 10, 2024, at 15:00 (CEST).   Apply now

The EHA Kick-off Grant is a one-year grant intended to support basic and translational early career researchers in hematology.

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SWG Grant-funded projects, 2024

In November and December of 2023, SWGs were invited to develop project ideas and apply for a 2024 SWG Grant. ApplicationsWe received 11 different applications from 9 SWGs. This was two more applications than we received in 2022.

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European Hematology Exam

The 3rd European Hematology Exam will take place during the 24th EHA Congress in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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Long-lasting, late-onset, and chronic idiopathic neutropenia project

An SWG Grant-supported project initiated by EHA's SWG on Granulocytes and Constitutional Marrow Failure Disorders.

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Treatment, medicine and hematology research: What patients want and doctors need (to know)

Jan Geissler, a Patient Advocate remarked about the Congress: “Over and above scientific updates, much can be achieved in partnership between hematologists and patients.

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EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Red Cell and Iron Metabolism Defects: From Basic Science to Clinical Case Application

Dates: October 12-14, 2023
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Chairs: A Taher & A Iolascon
Collaborating SWG: EHA Specialized Working Group on Red Cells and Iron

 Registration is closed

RegistrationRegistration is closed. Visit this page for more information.

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Meeting Program

All times are in GMT-3, local time in Brazil.

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Mentoring peer-peer networks – a recipe for success

Isabel Peset1 & Alba Maiques-Diaz2

1 Senior Scientist, Microscopy, Medicines Discovery Catapult, Manchester, UK;
2 Postdoctoral scientist, Biomedical Epigenomics group, IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain; YoungEHA committee member.

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Rolling out CAR T across Europe

Prof Christine Chomienne talking about CAR T implementation challenges during the 7th EAPM Presidency Conference in Brussels.

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