
EHA Guidelines on Recommendations for Pregnancy in Rare Inherited Anemias

EHA and the Scientific Working Group on Red Cells and Iron organized the first online workshop on the EHA Guidelines: “Recommendations for Pregnancy in Rare Inherited Anemias”.

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EHA Guidelines by Topic

AL Amyloidosis
Guidelines for high dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation for systemic AL amyloidosis: EHA-ISA working group guidelines (2021)
Guidelines for non-transplant chemotherapy for treatment of systemic AL amyloidosis: EHA-ISA working group (2022)
Recommendations regarding splenectomy in hereditary hemolytic anemias (2017)
Management of…

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Register for the on-demand recordings

Individual registration
The virtual registration includes:

On-demand access to the recordings of the scientific and educational sessions of the meeting that took place 10-12 November, 2022.

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EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Aging and Hematology

Dates: October 12-14, 2018
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Chair: D Bron

Organized by:
EHA & the EHA Scientific Working Group on Aging and Hematology

Organizing committee:

D Bron, Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels, Belgium
L Adès, Hopital Saint Louis, Paris, France
R Cordoba, Fundacion Jimenez Diaz University Hospital, Madrid, Spain
T Fulöp, Université…

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Mission ‘Gene Therapy’ for Horizon Europe

Mission ‘Gene Therapy’ for Horizon Europe

Advanced therapies, such as gene therapy, hold promise for treating a wide range of chronic diseases and improving patients’ quality of life.

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Application forms

The deadline for the EHA Corporate Sponsor application is September 6, 2024, at 13:00 (CEST). Interested in becoming an EHA sponsor? Below you will find all the application forms for all the available EHA Sponsor Programs.

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Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Latin America 2021

For the third edition of the Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Latin America (LA), EHA will organize a truly regional meeting by collaborating simultaneously with our hematology partners from the region.

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