EHA Lymphoma Group
The EHA Lymphoma Group (EHA LyG) is a specialized working group that was established in 2014.
Read moreGranulocytes & Constitutional Marrow Failures Disorders
The Specialized Working Group (SWG) on Granulocytes and Constitutional Marrow Failure Syndromes (G&CMFS) derives from the fusion of the formerly existing SWG on Granulocyte and Monocyte Disorders with other initiatives, grown within the EHA environment, related to Constitutional Marrow Failure…
Read moreCall for interest — EHA Exam Question Writers Group
The call for interest closed on October 7, 2024. EHA would like to appoint four new members of the European Hematology Exam Question Writers Group.
Read moreEU Elections and Health Policy
HemAffairs Article #1 – June 2019
2019 will see significant changes within the European institutions.
Diagnosis in hematological diseases: morphology and flow cytometry
This SWG is active in disseminating knowledge on advances in the diagnosis and follow-up by morphology and multiparameter flow-cytometry of malignant and non-malignant hematological diseases. These include morphology, digital morphology, and flow-cytometry (mass, imaging, and spectral flow cytometry included).
Read moreAcute Myeloid Leukemia
The AML SWG represents a group of national and internationally renowned clinical and research experts working in the field of AML.
Read moreEHA-SWG Scientific Meeting "Patient-centered Geriatric Hematology"
EHA & the EHA Scientific Working Group on Hematology and Aging are happy to announce their recent collaboration in organizing a virtual meeting program providing delegates with the latest insights in the field of geriatric hematology, presented by leading hematologists.
Read moreOpen Access: the ‘Plan S’
Research and academic groundwork funded with public means should be free and open to everyone. That is the principle behind Open Access that was formulated in 2003 in the Berlin Declaration.
Would you sell Peripheral Blood derived Stem Cells?
There are many things that are different in the United States of America (USA) and Europe. Some of these differences are in favour of society in the USA and some in Europe.
Read moreThrombocytopenias and Platelet Function Disorders
The SWG was established at the 2003 EHA Congress, which was held in Lyon, France. The group's original focus was thrombocytopenias, but it subsequently expanded its field of interest with the inclusion of platelet function disorders.
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