
Meeting program

Thursday, April 18*All times are in EET. 16:00 - 19:00 EET Satellite symposia

Hoffman-La Roche
Various satellite symposia will take place the day before the meeting for national and regional participants.

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Mutiple Myeloma at the 19th Congress of the European Hematology Association: What is new?

During the meeting, recently developed approaches for diagnosis and monitoring will be presented. Gene-expression-profiling to detect molecular subgroups with a different prognosis and high-throughput-sequencing to identify new genetic lesions will be discussed.

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Meeting Report: European School of Haematology International Conference of Haematological Disorders in the Elderly

The meeting started by reviewing demographic aspects, physiological changes encountered in the elderly, as well as the definition of older and elderly people, frailty and comorbidity.

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Moldova to be allowed to participate in EU4Health projects

The European Commission and the Government of the Republic of Moldova have signed an agreement to associate Moldova with the EU4Health program.

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EU Calls for proposal 2021

Spurred by COVID-19 and rising challenges to the financial sustainability of Europe’s health systems, a flurry of new EU policies and programs in health has sprung up since last year.

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Sanquin Blood Supply will culture erythrocytes for transfusion purposes

ABO-Rh-D matched transfusions result in alloimmunisation in 3-5% of recipients. Once allo-immunized, it may become very difficult to find appropriate donor erythrocytes, especially when multiple antibodies or rare combinations of antibodies are present.

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