
Previous Meetings

All of the meetings on this page took place in 2024. The most recent meetings are listed first. To view meetings from previous years, use the navigation menu.

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Nomination Committee

Current committee members
Tony Green, United Kingdom (Chair)
Regular members
Maria Ester Bernardo, Italy
Jan Cools, Belgium
Sabine Eichinge, Austria
Shai Izraeli, Israel
Irene Roberts, United Kingdom
AimThe Nomination Committee (NC) is responsible for ensuring the quality of the EHA Board related to scientific and educational background, and balance…

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EHA donates €250,000 to Médecins Sans Frontières

The EHA Board is actively implementing support actions to hematologists and hematology patients in Ukraine and to those who are forced to leave the country.

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National societies

EHA pursues close collaboration with the national hematology societies to ensure that the professional hematology community in Europe is served in the best possible way.

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EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Granulocytes and Constitutional Marrow Failure Syndromes

The second scientific meeting on EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Granulocytes and Constitutional Marrow Failure Disorders and Leukemia Predisposing Genes was held on October 10-12, 2019 in Prague, Czech Republic.

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