
Previous Meetings

All of the meetings on this page took place in 2024. The most recent meetings are listed first. To view meetings from previous years, use the navigation menu.

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EHA has organized a congress since 1994 and annually since 1998. On this page, you will find an overview of the previous congresses, locations and dates.

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Getting started

Sign up via the portal, with a user name and valid email address. Please use your official credentials to sign up. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be asked to verify your email address.

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EHA2024 Scientific Congress Report

The European Hematology Association (EHA) is delighted to present the EHA2024 Scientific Congress Report titled “EHA Perspectives on Emerging Technologies in Hematology.

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Fellowships & Grants Committee

Current committee members
Jean-Pierre Bourquin, Switzerland (Chair (EHA Board))
David Kent, United Kingdom (Vice-Chair (non-Board))
Regular members
Sylvia Beà, Spain
Olivier Bernard, France
Niccolò Bolli, Italy
Tom Cupedo, The Netherlands
Michaela Fontenay, France
Julia Hauer, Germany
Antonis Kattamis, Greece
Elisa Laurenti, United Kingdom
Dimitrios Mougiakakos, Germany
César Nombela-Arrieta, Switzerland
Rebekka Schneider-Kramann, The Netherlands
Jürg Schwaller, Switzerland

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