
EHA-AHA-GBMA Mini Hematology Tutorial

For the first time EHA is collaborating simultaneously with the Armenian Hematology Association (AHA) and Georgian Association For Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation (GBMTA) in a virtual Mini Hematology Tutorial.

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Improving affordable and equal access to innovative therapies in hematology for patients across Europe is EHA’s overriding advocacy priority.

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For mentors of applicants

As part of your support for the candidate applying for CBTH, the following is required from you:

Supervision and mentorship to be provided to the applicant during the CBTH award year.

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Open Access: the ‘Plan S’


Research and academic groundwork funded with public means should be free and open to everyone. That is the principle behind Open Access that was formulated in 2003 in the Berlin Declaration.

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EHA-AHA Hematology Tutorial On Lymphoid Malignancies Attracts International Audience

EHA-AHA Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoid Malignancies

October 18-20, 2019 | Yerevan, Armenia

Meeting chairs:
Prof G Gaidano (European Hematology Association)
Prof Y Hakobyan (Armenian Hematology Association)
Prof S Danielyan (Haematology center after Prof. R. H.

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Community and Stakeholder Committee

Current committee members
Raul Córdoba Mascuñano, Spain (Chair)
Donal McLornan, United Kingdom (Vice-Chair)
Meritxell Alberich Jordà, Czech Republic (EHA Board)
Margarita Guenova, Bulgaria (EHA Board)
Nuno Borges, United Kingdom (Representative, Young EHA Committee)
Ivo Touw, The Netherlands (Representative, Education Committee)
Regular members
Daniel Coriu, Romania
Andres Ferreri, Italy
Darko Antic,…

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Sponsor and Fundraising Committee

Current committee members
Martin Dreyling, Germany (Chair (EHA Board))
Antonio Pierini, Italy (Vice Chair (non-Board member))
Igor Aurer, Croatia (Representative, SWG Committee)
Mariane de Montalembert, France (Councilor)
Konstanze Döhner, Germany (EHA Board)
Kirsten Gronbaek, Denmark (EHA Board)
Frank Leebeek, The Netherlands (Councilor)
David Rees, United Kingdom (Representative, Education…

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EHA Kick-off Grant review and selection process

1. Eligibility checkAfter the deadline has passed, we'll check your application for completion and compliance with the eligibility criteria.

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