
EHA Meetings

Welcome to the overview of upcoming EHA meetings. More information regarding the meetings is available on the individual meeting pages which will be regularly updated.  

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Previous Meetings

All of the meetings on this page took place in 2024. The most recent meetings are listed first. To view meetings from previous years, use the navigation menu.

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EBAH Certified Meetings

In this page, you will find hematology-related meetings which are either EBAH-certified or from partners of EHA. You can choose to see meetings per year or category in the menus below.

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Non-EHA Funding Opportunities

Here you will find other interesting funding opportunities for European researchers in hematology. If you are interested in adding additional opportunities to this page, please contact research@ehaweb. org.

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Saturday, June 15, 2024 - Presidential Session I

Conducting multinational RCTs in pregnancy to improve maternal health in thrombosis: it CAN be done   

Prof.  Saskia Middeldorp, The Netherlands

Targeting the epigenome in lymphoma 


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