
Genome sequencing of thousands of patients with rare blood disorders

Approximately 3M people have a rare bleeding disorder or disease of platelets, which are the cell fragments that help blood clot. The genetic causes of dozens of such disorders are known (e. g.

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Rebuilding the future for hematology in Ukraine today

The Hague (Netherlands), December 5, 2022 - Nearly 8 million Ukrainians have fled their country since February 24 according to the UN Refugee Agency, while about 5 million people have moved back.

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Exciting developments in Lymphoma (lymphnode cancer) and Myeloma (plasma cell cancer) to be presented at European Hematology Congress in Stockholm, June 13-16, 2013

Myeloma, until recently a fatal bone marrow malignancy with a short survival time, is now turning into a chronic disease.

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EHA-ECL led statement calls for protection of the Hospital Exemption

The hospital exemption (HE) is a vital provision within the EU's pharmaceutical legislation, currently subject to a revision.

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How malignant cells in patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia escape T cell recognition and attack

T cell activation is essential for immunity including the recognition and killing of abnormal target cells such as cancerous cells.

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Position of EHA on Clinical Trials


The challenge
In Europe, the number of clinical trials is steadily decreasing. From 2007 to 2010, their number has decreased by some 20 percent from 5,028 to 4,193.

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