
Position of EHA on Personalized Medicine


The challenge
Despite its apparent complexity, personalized medicine could transform healthcare, by tailoring healthcare solutions to the individual patient, delivering ‘the right treatment to the right patient at the right time’ – and helping to get more value from healthcare spending.…

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Words of wisdom

Do you ever wonder what established leaders in the field would tell their younger selves? We have asked this question for you! Every month we bring to you a unique career perspective from people who have once been in your…

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Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Asia 2020

EHA is returning to Sri Lanka for the 2nd edition of the Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Asia, organized with our hosting partner: the Sri Lanka College of Haematologists (SLCH).

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European Board for Accreditation in Hematology

Current committee members
Peter van den Burg, The Netherlands (Chair and ISBT representative—transfusion medicine)
Michelle Kenyon, United Kingdom (EBMT Nurses Group representative—Specialized Hematology Professional)
Fionnuala Ní Áinle, Ireland (ISTH representative—thrombosis and hemostasis)
Annalisa Ruggeri, Italy (Representative, clinical hematology)
Isabel Sanchez-Ortega, Spain (EBMT representative)
Ana Filipa Marques…

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For mentors of applicants

As part of your support for the candidate applying for CBTH, the following is required from you:

Supervision and mentorship to be provided to the applicant during the CBTH award year.

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2013 & before

EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Thrombocytopenia and Disorders of Platelet Function
September 27-29, 2013 | Lisbon, Portugal

EHA-ROHS-RSH Tutorial on Bone Marrow Transplantation
July 5-7, 2013 | Saint Petersburg, Russia

EHA Tutorial on Lymphoma
May 24-26, 2013 | Cape Town, South Africa

EHA-TSH Tutorial on Chronic Myeloproliferative…

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