
Community and Stakeholder Committee

Current committee members
Raul Córdoba Mascuñano, Spain (Chair)
Donal McLornan, United Kingdom (Vice-Chair)
Meritxell Alberich Jordà, Czech Republic (EHA Board)
Margarita Guenova, Bulgaria (EHA Board)
Nuno Borges, United Kingdom (Representative, Young EHA Committee)
Ivo Touw, The Netherlands (Representative, Education Committee)
Regular members
Daniel Coriu, Romania
Andres Ferreri, Italy
Darko Antic,…

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Sponsor and Fundraising Committee

Current committee members
Martin Dreyling, Germany (Chair (EHA Board))
Antonio Pierini, Italy (Vice Chair (non-Board member))
Igor Aurer, Croatia (Representative, SWG Committee)
Mariane de Montalembert, France (Councilor)
Konstanze Döhner, Germany (EHA Board)
Kirsten Gronbaek, Denmark (EHA Board)
Frank Leebeek, The Netherlands (Councilor)
David Rees, United Kingdom (Representative, Education…

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Highlights from the SWG

The ERIC International Preceptorship, Realizing Precision Medicine in CLL: Why and How
Stresa, Italy
November 17–18, 2023
PublicationsRecent ERIC publications include:

The evolving landscape of COVID-19 and post-COVID condition in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Other malignancies in the history of CLL: an international multicenter study conducted…

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EHA-EBMT 3rd European CAR T-cell Meeting (Virtual)

Dates: February 4-6, 2021

Chairs: H Einsele (EHA) & C Chabannon (EBMT)

For the 3rd time now the European Hematology Association (EHA) and the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) jointly organized the European CAR T-cell Meeting; this year in…

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EHA-AHA Hematology Tutorial On Lymphoid Malignancies Attracts International Audience

EHA-AHA Hematology Tutorial on Lymphoid Malignancies

October 18-20, 2019 | Yerevan, Armenia

Meeting chairs:
Prof G Gaidano (European Hematology Association)
Prof Y Hakobyan (Armenian Hematology Association)
Prof S Danielyan (Haematology center after Prof. R. H.

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Cookie policy

When you visit the EHA website and/or EHA’s resource platform(s) (this includes all websites and pages, with the exemption of www. t2evolve.

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