
General Information

June 5, 2025
EHA2025 Congress platform opens

June 12-15, 2025
EHA2025 Milan, Italy - In-person and live stream

Allianz MiCo, Milano Convention Centre

August 15, 2025
EHA2025 Congress platform closes


Scientific Program Committee (SPC) Chair

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Splenic marginal zone lymphoma study update, February 2024

A project update from Dr Ahmed Ludvigsen Al-Mashhadi. I am truly grateful for this opportunity provided by EHA, and for EHA's effort in advancing research in a field that may otherwise be very difficult to explore.

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Current status of the Clinical Trials Regulation

HemAffairs Article #2 – June 2019

In 2014 the European Parliament approved the Clinical Trials Regulation (CTR) that is supposed to replace the Clinical Trials Directive (CTD) from 2001. Five years later, the regulation has not yet become applicable.

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EHA Award winners put in the spotlight in Copenhagen

The EHA-José Carreras Non-Clinical Junior Fellowship is made possible with the support of the German José Carreras Foundation.

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Gdf -11 a new target to improve anemia in thalassemia.


β-thalassemias are characterized by ineffective red blood cell (RBC) production, leading to anemia, iron overload, and organ failure. As current treatment options for β-thalassemia are limited, there is a clear unmet need for alternative therapies.

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Fundamentals for a Systematic Approach to Mild and Moderate Inherited Bleeding Disorders: An EHA Consensus Report

Healthy subjects frequently report minor bleedings that are frequently ‘background noise’ of normality rather than a true disorder. Nevertheless, unexpected or unusual bleeding may be alarming.

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Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Asia 2020

October 16-17 2020
Meeting Chairs:

Dr N Senadheera (Sri Lanka College of Haematologists)
Prof J Gribben (European Hematology Association)

This second edition of HOPE Asia was presented together with the Sri Lanka College of Haematologists (SLCH) on October 16 and 17, 2020.…

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