
Meeting program

October 11, 2023 at 3 pm CET The interaction of von Willebrand factor (VWF) with platelet glycoprotein Ib: pathological implications and clinical manifestations

15:00-15:10 Introduction                                                                                                Giancarlo Castaman, Paolo Gresele                           …

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EHA joins forces with the British Society of Haematology (BSH) & Annual Academy of Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Conference (ASCAT) in organizing the 19th Annual Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia Conference.

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Press release: Theme of the Year and Patient Advocacy - 18th Congress of EHA - European Hematology Association

This year for the first time, the EHA congress program is complemented by a dedicated advocacy track. This track combines all patient and policy related sessions into one comprehensive full-day program on Saturday.

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Faculty Information

We are honored that you have agreed to be a part of the faculty for the EHA-KCS Hematology Tutorial – Recent Advances in Lymphoid and Myeloid Malignancies, scheduled to be held on September 14-15, 2024 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

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Message from the EHA Board

After more than a decade of tireless work to further EHA’s mission our Executive Director, Carin Smand, has unfortunately announced that she will be leaving our organization.

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EHA-SfPM Precision Medicine Meeting

EHA and SfPM (Society for Functional Precision Medicine) are proud to present the first joint meeting on Precision Medicine.

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