
Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) Latin America (LA) 2023 - report

October 26, 2023 – São Paulo, Brazil

Meeting chairs:

A Almeida - President EHA

JF Comenalli Marques Jr - President ABHH

C Chiattone - President HEMO 2023

This year, the HOPE LA meeting was held in collaboration with the Associação Brasileira de Hematologia Hemoterapia e…

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SPC Advisory Board, EHA Congress 2025

Current committee members
Lorena Arranz, Norway
Peter Borchmann, Germany
Veronika Buxhofer-Ausch, Austria
Ana Cvejic, Denmark
Matteo Della Porta, Italy
Michael Doubek, Czechia
Andreas Glenthøj, Denmark
Maria Gomes da Silva, Portugal
Julia Hauer, Germany
Daniel Hodson, United Kingdom
Cristina João, Portugal
Sören Lehmann, Sweden
Tamás Masszi, Hungary
Karinna Meijer, The Netherlands
Jamie O'Sullivan, Ireland
Cristina Papayannidis, Italy

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Position of EHA on Personalized Medicine


The challenge
Despite its apparent complexity, personalized medicine could transform healthcare, by tailoring healthcare solutions to the individual patient, delivering ‘the right treatment to the right patient at the right time’ – and helping to get more value from healthcare spending.…

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Board elections

All members* who have paid their annual fees, have the privilege to influence the composition of the EHA Board. We need your involvement in the selection of EHA’s governmental body.

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Dates and deadlines

You may find in this page all the dates and deadlines related to the EHA2025 Hybrid Congress.  All deadlines, except if mentioned differently, end at 23:59 CET/CEST.  

The timelines will be updated regularly.

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