
The Clot Thickens

Haemophilia B is a genetic bleeding disorder, affecting approximately 80,000 males worldwide1, caused by an insufficient or dyfunctional blood clotting protein called factor IX (FIX).

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EHA Guidelines by Topic

AL Amyloidosis
Guidelines for high dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation for systemic AL amyloidosis: EHA-ISA working group guidelines (2021)
Guidelines for non-transplant chemotherapy for treatment of systemic AL amyloidosis: EHA-ISA working group (2022)
Recommendations regarding splenectomy in hereditary hemolytic anemias (2017)
Management of…

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For mentors of applicants

As part of your support for the candidate applying for CBTH, the following is required from you:

Supervision and mentorship to be provided to the applicant during the CBTH award year.

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Highlights of the SWG

SWG business meetingWe held a key strategic SWG business meeting on November 29, 2023, at the EHA offices in The Hague. During the meeting, we discussed the future plans and priorities of our SWG.

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Regulation on Health Technology Assessment

The Regulation on Health Technology Assessment (HTAR) was proposed by the European Commission in 2018. It was formally adopted in December 2021 and will apply from January 2025.

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EHA Congratulates EHA Kick-Off Grant 2022 Winners

The Hague, December 8, 2022 – EHA Congratulates seven talented researchers in Hematology on their receipt of an EHA Kick-Off Grant 2022 after a rigorous selection process.

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The EHA Guidelines Workshop, a meaningful and successful first Series!

November 2020 – April 2021

In the past six months, hematologists, clinicians, transfusion medicine specialists, oncologists, special nurses and researchers gathered virtually for the first EHA Guidelines Workshop series.

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