
Registration & Accommodation

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Registration fee includes:

Access to the scientific and educational sessions of the meeting
Networking opportunities during breaks and welcome reception
Catering during meeting hours incl.

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Publication of EHA Annual General Meeting 2024 minutes

The 2024 EHA Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place in the vibrant city of Madrid, Spain, on June 14, 2024. Scheduled on Friday during the EHA Annual Congress, the meeting was once more in a hybrid format.

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Priority Points System

The Priority Points System is designed to recognize sponsors’ investment and continuous support for EHA activities, and are allocated for each sponsorship program and/or item.

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EHA2024 gallery

Thank you to the esteemed faculty, delegates, and industry partners for their valuable contributions to the EHA2024 Hybrid Congress, which took place in Madrid and online from June 13–16.

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Patient organizations

EHA greatly values the collaboration with patient organizations in a growing number of areas, from joint advocacy and a strong presence at the EHA Annual Congress – with a prominent place for the EHA-Patient Joint Symposium on policy and regulatory…

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Recap: European Affairs and Hematology at EHA2024

As at previous congresses, the European Affairs track at EHA2024 offered opportunities to learn, exchange, and connect.

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HemaSphere - the official open access journal of EHAHemaSphere is the official open access, peer-reviewed journal of EHA, supporting hematology researchers by offering a fast and constructive review process and low publication fees.

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