
Guidelines endorsed by EHA

Guidelines produced by other societies and endorsed by EHAHereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
EHA Endorsement of the Second International Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
EHA Endorsement of the Global Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Rare Mold…

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I4MDS consortium: advancing MDS treatment and understanding

The role of the immune system in the pathophysiology of Myelodysplastic Neoplasms (MDS) is firmly established. However, routine immune monitoring for these patients is still not a common practice.

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Chairs and members

Chair (2024–2027)
Elizabeth Macintyre, Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades et Université Paris, France
Vice-Chair (2024–2027)
Margarita Guenova, National Specialised Hospital for Active Treatment of Haematological Diseases, Belgium
Steering Committee (2024–2027)
Monika Brüggemann, University Hospital Kiel, Germany (ESHLO)
Francesco Buccisano, Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy (SWG on Diagnosis…

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Multiple Myeloma

The SWG Multiple Myeloma has traditionally been composed of members of the European Myeloma Network (EMN). EMN is a dedicated academic, non-profit organization for clinical research in multiple myeloma.

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Clinical WG

Identifying the clinical data required for collection. Locating clinical trials where suitable samples will be collected or have already been collected. Involvement in the European Registry. Assessing the type of database and dataset currently available.

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